
The Benefits of Payment Orchestration for Large Enterprises

Category: Payment Orchestration

Payment Orchestration for Large Enterprises

Payment Orchestration for Large Enterprises

There are multiple factors that make the UAE a hotspot for large enterprises – an open economy, a friendly environment for conducting business, attractive tax laws, socio-political stability, and easy access to top talent. However, for a large organization to function smoothly, scale easily, work with clients around the world, ensure employee engagement, and maintain strong relationships with contractors and vendors, a robust payment system is essential. This is where payment orchestration for large enterprises steps into the spotlight.

A unified platform that brings together and manages various payment gateways, processors, banks, and acquirers can make it easy to receive, release, track, and analyze all payments in a seamless and smart manner. Payment orchestration for enterprises that have many employees, numerous clients, and presence in multiple geographies, can improve overall operational efficiency as well as profitability. Read on to know why.

Benefits of Payment Orchestration for Large Enterprises

A reputed and reliable payment orchestration platform like PayTabs can help your large organization in the following seven ways:

  1. Higher Rate of Payment Acceptance:

If you are running a large enterprise that carries out business with a variety of clients in different countries, you need to be able to process different kinds of payment requests without any friction. A payment orchestration platform can take care of that by automatically routing every transaction through the most suitable gateway and to the most ideal processor. Increased transaction acceptance rate or lower decline rate can improve client satisfaction and create a favorable impression on them.

  1. Flexibility in Payment Modes:

Payment orchestration for large enterprises helps you accept different modes of payment, be it cards, bank transfers, wire transfers, digital wallets, payment links, or QR codes. In other words, you can allow clients to pay you flexibly and use their preferred methods. This can enhance their overall experience, earn their trust, and help you build a better relationship. You can also enable installment payment options for long-term or large-scale projects, so that it is easy to afford for your client while you keep getting paid over time. Orchestration platforms also use localization to offer clients in different countries payment modes they are used to and ones that work in their regions.

  1. Healthy Cash Flow:

One of the key benefits of payment orchestration for enterprises is that you receive funds on time, no matter where your client is situated. You can even send automated invoices and reminders to prevent delays in payment. This ensures a healthy flow of cash at all times, which means your operations can run smoothly and both employees and vendors can get paid on time.

  1. Support for Multiple Currencies:

With payment orchestration, it is possible for your enterprise in the UAE to accept payments from anywhere in the world even if foreign clients choose to pay in their local currencies. You don’t need to stress about cross-border transaction fees or exchange rate calculations as the orchestration platform will handle it all. Moreover, being able to pay in their local currencies will give clients a sense of comfort and familiarity. This is important if you are venturing into new geographies or markets and looking to establish a robust presence.

  1. Secure Transactions:

Whether you are accepting payments from clients or making payments to employees, contractors, and vendors, encryption of sensitive personal and financial data is vital. Luckily, it is easy to ensure fraud prevention with payment orchestration as multiple layers of security are set in place and authentication measures are highly effective. Safe transactions that keep hackers or scammers at bay and prevent them from decoding sensitive information can instill trust and confidence in all stakeholders and also improve your brand reputation.

  1. In-depth Analytics:

Embracing payment orchestration for enterprises allows you to monitor all transactions, inflows, and outflows in one place. You can analyze and read different sets of data in multiple ways as well as study trends and patterns to derive actionable insights. The best orchestration platforms also generate data-backed reports that help you identify your business’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to payments and make informed decisions in the long run.

  1. Cost-effective Move:

While integrating with a single payment gateway in UAE or even a couple is easy and affordable, the scenario is different when you run a big company. You need to join hands with multiple gateways to offer clients as much flexibility as possible. And then it becomes quite expensive to integrate with each gateway separately. Going for an orchestration platform instead can keep your overall transaction costs low and be more affordable over the years.

Use Payment Orchestration to Run Your Large Enterprise Efficiently

By now, you know how an orchestration platform can make your large enterprise more efficient operationally, control costs, increase client satisfaction, bring in more business opportunities, and power up the bottom line. And if you join hands with PayTabs, one of the top payment gateway providers in the UAE, you will end up with an orchestration platform that checks all the boxes on automation, speed, security, flexibility, affordability, and more. So, assess your enterprise’s distinct needs today and get ready to revolutionize the payment ecosystem in a whole new way.

TAPn'GO drives Revenue Generation for Restaurants

TAPn'GO drives Revenue Generation for Restaurants

By 2029, the market size for full-service restaurants in the UAE is expected to hit an impressive USD 19.66 billion, after growing at a 18.56% rate. This dynamic landscape is dominated by various cuisines, including Middle Eastern, European, Asian, and American. Hence, revenue growth for restaurants in such a competitive environment depends on revolutionizing the guest experience, drawing more traffic, and simplifying the payment process. The TAPn’GO technology from PayTabs can do just that.

It requires guests to simply scan a QR code or tap a NFC cube to settle bills securely and speedily. Customers have the option to pay via credit cards, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. So, let’s find out how TAPn’GO for restaurants can help you augment earnings and stay ahead of the others.

Ways in Which TAPn’GO Increases Revenue Generation

An innovative payment technology for restaurants, TAPn’GO can be directly integrated with your point of sale. After a guest settles a check and the money hits your account, you will be notified instantly via email and the TAPn’GO dashboard. Your staff members will be intimated too on their smartwatches or smartphones. Now let’s look at the ways in which this innovation can drive revenue growth:

  1. Hassle-free Ordering

With TAPn’GO, guests can peruse digital menus on smartphones, take their time, and then place an order. There is no need to call a server and the dining experience starts on a smooth note, which impresses guests. They tend to order more and visit you again, which means TAPn’GO can increase sales for restaurants.

  1. Transparent Billing

Guests can view the total bill and its components on their smartphone after completing a meal, by using the TAPn’GO QR platform. They can cross-check the price of each item with the digital menu, so there is no room for doubt or conflict.

  1. Easy Settlement

No guest wants to face trouble while settling bills after having a sumptuous meal. Hence, it’s time to think beyond cash and card payments. With TAPn’GO for restaurants, you can allow them to pay via Google Pay or Apple Pay in seconds and bypass issues like insufficient cash, card machine glitches, etc. When guests have a frictionless experience, they keep coming back to you.

  1. No-fuss Tipping

The more guests tip, the greater is your revenue. And by enabling mobile payments for restaurants through TAPn’GO, you can make it easy for customers to add the tip to the bill. They don’t need to tip separately with cash.

  1. Smart Bill Splitting

If a group of friends dine at your restaurant and want to split the bill, the TAPn’GO QR platform can help them do it on their smartphones without wasting time on tedious calculations. There is no need to serve them separate bills either, which can make overall operations efficient besides boosting guest satisfaction.

  1. Digital Record of Receipt

TAPn’GO allows guests to request receipts after making payments. These are instantly sent via email, which means customers can carry digital records with them for reimbursement purposes. This convenience improves guest experience, increases loyalty, and drives revenue growth.

  1. Eco-friendly Move

Besides enabling contactless payments for restaurants, TAPn’GO is a completely paperless technology and safe for the environment. By adopting this innovative payment gateway in UAE, you can attract customers who feel strongly about eco-friendly initiatives and sustainability.

  1. Convenient Reviewing

With TAPn’GO, guests can review their dining experience on social media platforms in seconds. They can spread the word about your restaurant and help bring in more traffic and sales opportunities. They can choose to follow your restaurant on social media for future offers as well.

  1. Easy on the Pocket

It is extremely profitable to use the TAPn’GO QR platform in the UAE. Apart from reasonable service fees, you can look forward to zero subscription fees, budget-friendly transaction fees, and minimal device fees.

  1. Analytical Insights

The TAPn’GO payment technology for restaurants allows you to store, access, and analyze vital data points on table number, time, date, transactions, bill amounts, tips, Google reviews, and guest feedback and ratings. You can also obtain detailed reports for easy decision-making in the future and improve revenue.

Also Read: The Impact of TAPn’GO on Dining Experiences

TAPn’GO Doesn’t Just Benefit Restaurants

The brainchild of one of the leading payment gateway providers in the UAE, TAPn’GO doesn’t just help restaurants to earn more. At food courts, big groups can keep ordering and paying at multiple stalls without having to swipe cards every time. A group of friends can also order from a food truck and split the bill without the merchant having to conduct multiple transactions. TAPn’GO also helps customers buy drinks or snacks from vending machines without using local currency, cash, or small denominations. At lounges or clubs, TAPn’GO can send notifications for guest orders and payment confirmations instantly. In every situation, this payment technology’s convenience, speed, and safety can improve revenue.

Choose TAPn’GO to Grow Your Revenue the Smart Way

Contactless, convenient, fast, and safe, TAPn’GO can help increase sales for restaurants in multiple ways, as we know by now. With this unique payment technology, everything from placing orders, paying and splitting bills, and getting receipts, to tipping servers and leaving reviews is a cakewalk for guests. And better customer experience means more business for you. Plus, TAPn’GO is cost-effective, easy to integrate, and offers data-backed insights to help you make better decisions in the years to come.

Payment Orchestration for Gig Economy Platforms

Payment Orchestration for Gig Economy Platforms

The gig economy in the UAE is growing at a rapid pace, with more and more professionals moving away from the 9 to 5 grind. In fact, a couple of years ago, a sharp increase in the demand for freelance work was observed in the MENA region as per a survey. 78% of the respondents mentioned that they intended to take up more freelance assignments. The potential to earn extra, additional career opportunities, and the chance to pick up new skills were among the biggest drivers behind this trend. Moreover, as per a recent report, the Middle East boasts a digital freelancing market worth USD 4 billion. From delivery, rideshare, and accommodation hosting services to management consulting, marketing, and design, there are multiple fields that are currently a part of an expanding gig economy in the UAE. However, payout management is still a challenge for many gig platforms that connect clients and freelancers. So, what’s the solution?

Payment Orchestration can Help Gig Platforms

Contractual or gig workers often don’t receive payments on time or they don’t get paid in their currency of choice. A lack of transparency and safety in transactions is another problem. Payment orchestration for gig economy platforms can troubleshoot these issues, improve the overall experience for gig workers, and boost the credibility and repute of your platform. Let’s look at the different ways in which payment orchestration can help.

  1. Flexibility

Payment Orchestration Platforms bring different banks, acquirers, processors, and gateways together in one place. This means you can pay different freelancers in different ways, as per their preferred mode, be it bank transfer, direct deposit, digital wallet, wire transfer, cards, or mobile apps. By introducing this flexibility, you can expand your base of gig workers and even reach those who don’t have bank accounts.

  1. Punctuality

A key advantage of embracing payment orchestration is that it enables fast transaction processing and you can pay freelancers immediately after they complete as task or project. On-time payment improves their satisfaction level since gig workers don’t get a stable salary and need a healthy cash flow to plan for the future. By paying them on time, you can also retain them efficiently and inspire trust and loyalty. If a project requires so, you can also set up an installment payment system, whereby the freelancer will get paid after every section of a job gets done.

  1. Beyond Borders

Payment orchestration for gig economy platforms enables you to reach even those freelance workers who are situated in other countries. You can pay them in their local currencies easily as the orchestration platform can handle all the calculation related to exchange rates, taxes, and so on. It means that you can access a bigger talent pool without worrying about geographical boundaries.

  1. Localized Experience

As you might already know, not all modes of payment work in all countries. Hence, you should be able to offer gig workers different options based on where they are located. With payment orchestration, you can offer this kind of localization and scale your business in the process.

  1. Security

Keeping sensitive or personal data safe is a crucial part of payout management for gig economy. Neither you nor the freelancers associated with your platform will want hackers or scammers to steal their identity or financial information. And with the right payment orchestration platform, you can rest assured that cybersecurity measures will be robust and there will be sophisticated authentication checks in place. The best platforms are PCI DSS compliant as well and have 3D safety systems.

  1. Affordability

Payment orchestration integration costs significantly less than if you choose to integrate with different gateways and processors separately. The overall cost of transaction is also budget-friendly, which means you get to boost your profitability and strengthen your bottom line while ensuring operational efficiency.

  1. Insights

Another benefit of adopting payment orchestration for payout management is that you get insightful and data-backed reports periodically. They help you understand how well your payment system is working and if there are any gaps or areas of improvement besides enabling informed decision-making in the future.

  1. Brand Reputation

As a gig platform, your success largely depends on what freelancers think of you. So, if they get paid efficiently, punctually, and safely, they are likely to leave positive reviews online. This can enhance your repute and bring in more gig workers as well as clients.

Transform Payout Management with Payment Orchestration

So, as you can see, payment orchestration for gig economy platforms has multiple benefits. Not only can you make the payout management system more robust, streamlined, and efficient this way, but also expand the base of freelancers working with you, ensure their satisfaction, and build your brand. With the gig landscape in the UAE reaching new heights, now is the time to capitalize on it. An orchestration platform like PayTabs can especially make your life easy, thanks to a cost-effective pricing model, rich features, smooth integration facility, and holistic customer support.

KSA Businesses Adopting Payment Orchestration

KSA Businesses Adopting Payment Orchestration
In 2023, Fintech in Saudi Arabia was estimated to have a market size of USD 39.04 million. By 2028, it is likely to shoot up to USD 69.23 million. This upward trend is driving the increased adoption of digital payments too. In fact, KSA witnessed a sharp uptick in digital transactions in 2022 (valued at SR1.6 trillion) from 2021 (valued at SR6 billion). And with the country’s ecommerce revenue poised to grow at an 11.08% rate from now till 2029, digital transactions will be more widespread than ever. In such a futuristic environment, adopting payment orchestration is the way to go for merchants like you. Read on to know why and how you can pick the right platform.

Why Do You Need Payment Orchestration?

Fast, secure, and efficient digital payment is the key to a smooth checkout experience. And with omnichannel payments on the rise, you need to manage and track all transactions in one place while minimizing operational expenses. Payment orchestration platforms can help you with that. Such a platform offers a unified software layer that brings together multiple banks, acquirers, payment service providers, gateways, and fraud detection services.

From the validation of payment requests to their routing to fund settlement, Saudi Arabian payment orchestration platforms automate and handle everything end-to-end. Since you get to leverage a single platform to connect with different payment processing solutions, you can enable multiple payment methods, scale and expand easily, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Considerations While Adopting Payment Orchestration

While there are various payment orchestration providers in Saudi Arabia, zeroing in on the right one requires you to consider the following:

  1. Transaction routing: Go for a platform that offers a high payment acceptance rate. It should be able to route every transaction as efficiently and speedily as possible to the right processor, to simplify checkout and boost conversions.
  2. Integration: The right orchestration platform will simplify payment gateway integration, no matter how many gateways are involved. The platform itself will be easy to integrate with your current and prospective payment or business systems.
  3. Customization: Since every business has distinct needs, choose a platform that aligns with yours closely. It should comply with the standards of the industry in which you operate. You should be able to optimize your payment flow for risk, performance, and cost by accessing suitable tools. A platform with an intuitive user experience can also help you build, tweak, and duplicate payment workflows.
  4. Performance: Ensure the orchestration platform is capable of handling your present transaction volume without bottlenecks. It should be scalable enough to handle future volumes easily. Ask if the platform has Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning capabilities to boost performance and revenue.
  5. Payment methods: It is important to offer your customers ample choice and flexibility in ecommerce payment solutions. It helps in building trust and improves your brand’s value. So, check if the orchestration platform offers the payment methods preferred by your customers. You should also be able to add more methods (including international ones) in the future if required.
  6. Currency support: If you are planning to expand to new geographies, you should be able to accept the local currencies of different countries. In that case, opt for a platform that supports multiple currencies and ensures hassle-free exchange. It is also easy to establish brand presence and grow the customer base when people in other countries get to pay in a currency with which they are familiar.
  7. Security: Protecting sensitive customer and transaction data is essential if you want to thrive as an online business. So, before picking a Saudi Arabian payment orchestration platform, make sure it is PCI-DSS compliant and has robust measures against data breaches and cyberattacks. This will help you minimize chargebacks.
  8. Data analytics: Besides offering complete visibility into your payment system, the platform should allow you to analyze data in different ways, apply various filters, and visualize trends and patterns with charts. It should generate data-backed reports that help you make informed decisions and identify your payment system’s strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Pricing: Choose a payment orchestration platform that fits your budget or is competitively priced. The different aspects of its pricing model should be transparent and you should know how the model will change as your business grows. Transaction fees should be affordable too.
  10. Support: The digital payment landscape is evolving constantly, so you need a payment orchestration provider who can offer expert handholding when you are just getting started. Even when you get used to the platform, support should be readily available whether you experience sudden technical glitches or have questions related to performance, payment modes, processors, etc.

Get Ready to Orchestrate Payments

Besides keeping the above considerations in mind, research and compare multiple payment orchestration platforms before making a choice. Talk to other merchants in the same industry to seek suggestions and understand their experience. Going through reviews and testimonials of different providers will give you a fair idea about each of them too. Make sure to test any platform you like through a demo session, so you can gauge its suitability for your business. In KSA, opting for a reputed orchestration platform provider like PayTabs can also make your life easy and eliminate the pain of research and uncertainty.

Payment Orchestration for UAE SaaS Providers

Payment Orchestration for UAE SaaS Providers

UAE’s SaaS market is all set to clock revenue of USD 1.29 billion by 2028, after growing at a 11.99% rate annually. In other words, the SaaS landscape is going to be highly competitive in the coming years, which means it won’t be enough to just build a robust product. As a provider of SaaS solutions, you also need a payment orchestration platform that simplifies, secures, and automates subscription and recurring payments. Otherwise, a suboptimal payment experience, involving frequent declined transactions or unavailability of preferred payment methods, can drive customers to switch to other providers.

Payment orchestration for UAE SaaS providers can help you integrate and manage multiple gateways, processors, acquirers, and banks on a single platform. Essentially, you can optimize and streamline transactions end-to-end, save time, increase operational efficiencies, and rest assured about timely fund settlement. Let’s delve deeper into the benefits of payment orchestration for SaaS in UAE and how to ensure effective implementation.

Payment Orchestration Benefits for SaaS Providers

These are the key benefits of adopting payment orchestration for your SaaS business:

  • Flexibility and Options: You can integrate with multiple payment gateway APIs via an orchestration platform. Integrating payment methods of different kinds is another advantage, which means customers can choose to pay through debit and credit cards, digital wallets, bank transfers, and so on. So, you can accept various forms of payments through various channels, which means more flexibility for your business and more options for your customers. This is bound to improve your brand image, reduce churn, and boost customer loyalty.
  • Greater Acceptance Rate: Payment orchestration platforms automatically route every transaction to the most suitable processor, so that there are minimal instances of failed or declined transactions. If one processor is unable to handle the payment request, the latter is sent to another processor, and the process continues till the transaction gets authorized. All of this happens in seconds and improves customer satisfaction too.
  • International Support: If you are venturing into foreign markets, your payment gateway selection will depend on what is popular locally. Moreover, you will need to offer localized payment methods so that customers in other countries can trust your business and find it easy to transact. You should be able to accept payments in multiple currencies as well and the exchange to the home or base currency should happen automatically and easily. The right orchestration platform can ensure all of that and help you expand beyond the UAE without worries.
  • Fraud Prevention: As a SaaS provider, you need to keep sensitive data absolutely secure against cyberattacks. Payment orchestration platforms can take care of that as they feature the latest security protocols, advanced algorithms for fraud detection and prevention, and are PCI-DSS compliant.
  • Cost Optimization: Since orchestration platforms consolidate operations as well as integrations with multiple gateways, processors, and methods, you save a lot of money in transaction fees.
  • Superior Customer Experience: There is nothing like a smooth checkout experience to make customers happy. With an orchestration platform, no matter where a customer is or what kind of device they are using, making payments is frictionless, safe, and quick.

Now that you know about the benefits of adopting payment orchestration for SaaS in UAE, let’s see how the implementation works.

Payment Orchestration Implementation Best Practices

Here are the things to keep in mind when you decide to implement payment orchestration for your SaaS business:

  • Assess Requirements: To decide on an orchestration platform with the right features, identify the distinct challenges and needs of your existing payment system. Usually, going with a reputed provider like PayTabs can make your transition to an improved payment system smooth and seamless.
  • Plan Integration: Once you select a platform, chalk out an integration plan that includes milestones, timelines, and the allocation of staff and resources.
  • Setup and Test: After you install the required software, set up the orchestration platform’s infrastructure. Test the same thoroughly to make sure the integration is complete and works. You can also carry out the implementation in phases before deploying the platform at full scale.
  • Train your Staff: All payment orchestration platforms require you to train your staff and familiarize them with the new system, workflows, processing of transactions, and troubleshooting.
  • Monitor Constantly: Once you go live with the platform, track its performance closely and consistently, so you can spot and resolve issues on time.
  • Optimize as Needed: Analyze the performance of the platform, detect areas of improvement, and collate user feedback, so you can optimize the new payment system accordingly.

Transform Your SaaS Business with Payment Orchestration

The demand for SaaS products is going to rise in the UAE, as the statistics mentioned in the beginning indicate. Hence, as a provider, make the most of it by adapting to evolving customer preferences when it comes to payment systems. Adopting a payment orchestration platform and implementing it methodically can simplify life for both you and your customers. You can offer them multiple payment options, route transactions more effectively, reduce costs, prevent frauds, accept payments safely and punctually and even derive actionable data-driven insights to make better decisions in the future.