
Currencies Form the Core of Payments

Category: Growth Hacks

Currencies Form the Core of Payments

Currencies Form the Core of Payments

It’s a no-brainer! Everybody out there knows that to buy or sell any product or service through any medium, one would need a transacting currency. The status quo on most transactions, whether online or offline, is the fact that you would need to pay in the currency of the country where you are buying the product from, even if it is online.

But, with the advent of global e-commerce, the status quo on currencies while transacting becomes a deterrent. It is largely due to the willingness of most payments solution providers not to deal with the cumbersome regulations in place in most countries which provide a hindrance for multi-currency payments being made online.

It is not as much as a regulation problem, as it is a regulatory acceptance problem. Most regulators, as in central banks haven’t yet figured out a way to regulate payments in foreign currencies made in multiple currencies through the digital medium. Barring the most accepted currency, i.e. the US Dollar, which is largely used as a de-facto foreign exchange currency across the world, regulators are mostly wary about international payments made in other currencies, especially online.

Having said that, most developed countries and a few forward looking emerging economies have updated their regulations to allow for payments in multiple currencies. However, contrary to popular belief, there aren’t many providers in the market, who possess a seamless global payments processor.

PayTabs has always been ahead of the curve in terms of innovation and one of our key differentiating factor is the fact that we accept 160+ currencies on our platform.

To learn more about our payments platform, click here. Moreover, if you are interested, you can sign up for a free demo as well.

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The State of Global Payments: Part 2

The State of Global Payments: Part 2

In one of our earlier posts, we touched upon the upsurge in non-cash transactions across the world and how developing countries are driving the growth of online/digital payments. We looked at some hard numbers from Capgemini’s World Payments Report which justified the growth in non-cash transactions across the world.

In this piece, we will look at key trends that are key to driving global payments in 2017 and the future:

  1. Technology vis-à-vis International E-Commerce: It is indeed true that international transactions have increased in recent times but the subsequent pace of developing fast, secure, transparent and efficient solutions have not quite been there. Currently, there’s a need for more payments solution to cater to the growth in international e-commerce.


  1. Need for Agility and Pace: Whilst the growth in FinTech investments over the years, there is currently a tremendous hunger in the marketplace, for companies to deliver more instant gratification moments in terms of payments and flexibilities in payments solutions. Which means different types of payments solutions accepting multiple currencies.


  1. Enterprise Payments: As per the World Bank’s Cost of Sending Remittances report, checks are still prevalent in most organizations across the world, especially smaller organizations. As of 2015, 90% of small organizations across the world, used checks for making payments, primarily to freelancers and commission based sales force. Large banks and credit card technology companies still dominate the international payments space, which is plagued by complexities and very high fees. There’s a huge scope for new age payments solutions providers to solve some pressing international payments issue in the B2B space.


  1. The case of the Unbanked: According to a Citibank report in March 2016, there are still 2.8 billion unbanked and underbanked people in the world, especially in developing countries, where FinTech solutions have outpaced the penetration of legacy banking. The key to the growth of FinTech and Payments solutions has been because of the huge growth in mobile payments, aided by the tremendous penetration of mobile in developing countries.


  1. Banks and Technology need to be friends: Banks need to accept and recognize the fact that digital payments can do much more than automation. Digital and online payments solution providers shouldn’t view banks as their adversaries, rather recognize the value that they are adding to the global financial system, thereby cultivating opportunities for greater innovation and efficiency through collaboration.


  1. Transparency: There’s been a paradigm shift in the needs of the global payments market, in the context of more transparent pricing, flexibility in integrations and innovative customer service. It is an imperative for global payments solution providers to track all transactions in the entire payment process/cycle to ensure transparency.


Therefore, as you can probably gauge that despite growth in FinTech and digital payments, there remains a lot of opportunities/gaps in the marketplace that needs to be fulfilled/filled.

We would love to hear your viewpoints in the comments below and click here to experience a new economy payments solution that truly manages to fill existing gaps and adds tremendous value for your business.

Click here to read State of Global Payments: Part 1

Don’t Worry About Your Subscriptions!

Don’t Worry About Your Subscriptions!

Subscribe Now!

You have implemented a subscription model for your online or offline platform. Well that action proves that you are ready to provide a service on a recurring basis. It gives you an opportunity to convert your customer base and make them captive. The advantage of having a long term captive customer base through a subscription model is immense for a business.

Having said that, you would also need to ensure that your subscriptions are being managed properly and as the volume grows, you would need a payment solution to manage the subscriptions/recurring payments. A solution that enables you to have the following features:

  • Customization in terms of integration with all types of subscription models.
  • In built information security: Data security is critical in today’s day and age.
  • Multiple Currencies: Today’s global customer demands flexibility in terms of paying in a currency of their choice.
  • Smart Saved Cards: Even if your customer changes his or her card number, the service should not be interrupted.
  • Quick Implementation irrespective of your recurring billing scenario.
  • Automated Invoicing: You should be able to schedule invoices and automate your invoicing process to save time.
  • Real-time Analytics: The solution should have in built real-time metrics related to recurring payments and subscriptions.

All of the above payment solution features are quintessential for your subscriptions to drive business value. Moreover, the delivery of these features should be done in a seamless manner, by enhancing your customer’s checkout and renewal experience. It is not only about your customer; you should also be able to manage your subscriptions in a seamless fashion.

Learn more about our recurring payments solution and sign up for a free demo if you wish.

Talking of subscriptions, you can subscribe to our blog alerts to receive more insights on e-commerce, payments and how PayTabs can add value to your business.


Payments Form The Core of Digital India

Payments Form The Core of Digital India

The Indian e-commerce market is estimated to grow to $102.8 Billion by 2020. With a growing internet penetration and a plethora of private and government commercial services being offered through the web, that number doesn’t seem unrealistic.  India is by far, one among the top 3 markets for e-commerce globally. If you thought the $100 bn+ figure is staggering, hold your breath because leading research consulting firm Boston Consulting Group(BCG) estimates that the Indian Digital Payments Industry will grow to $500 Billion by 2020.

In recent times, the world has seen a FinTech revolution and India has been at the forefront of spearheading that revolution. The increase in adoption of digital and mobile payments has been staggering and as a testimony, 50% of India’s population is expected to be part of the digital payments industry 2020, according to the Boston Consulting Group.

The growth has been driven by a tremendous government push in digital payments arena fueled by the Digital India proposition.  Several government services at the federal and the state level have migrated in the digital space and encourage digital payments. The growth has been also aided by the fact that majority of the population has an Aadhar card number, which enabled reliable delivery of many essential services through authentic verification.

Having said that, the Indian digital payments scene is largely focused around domestic payments. There’s a large untapped market for international payments. We know that the regulations for international payments is not easy in India, but things are changing rapidly. There is tremendous scope for Indian exporters who are selling online, internationally to ramp up their operations. Not to mention, there’s enough room for exporters who aren’t online, to get their businesses online and sell to the world.

PayTabs is uniquely positioned as a key player in the Indian Payments space, specializing in International Payments. You can visit our website for more information and sign up for a demo if you would like to explore the power of our end to end international payments solution.

PayTabs: Not Just Any Payment Gateway

PayTabs: Not Just Any Payment Gateway

“People are the best show in the world. And you don’t even pay for the ticket.” – Charles Bukowski

There are two elements in that quote which resonates with the core business philosophy of PayTabs, i.e. People and Payments. PayTabs began as an idea with the sole mission to create a simple and secure platform for people and organizations to transact around the world.

At the heart of it, the mission seems simple enough, after all people are buying and selling in the new digital economy all the time. But the faultlines begin to appear once you deep dive into solving the problems of the payments processing industry, fuelled by the rapid e-commerce growth globally.

The problems are pretty striking when you look at it from a bird’s eye view:

  • Gap in the market in the context of multiple currencies being accepted as payments by an ecommerce platform.
  • End to end authorization, technology, infrastructure and services in the payments space being offered by a single solution provider: There aren’t that many players.
  • Security and Fraud Prevention is a major concern for the industry.
  • Not many alternative payments options available with majority of competitors in the industry.
  • Last but not the least, hidden charges by many competitors brings ambiguity to the minds of the merchants.

In the view of the above problems, PayTabs has created products which solve all of the above problems and thereby providing a breakthrough for the industry:

  • 160+ Currencies accepted on the platform.
  • Whether it’s multiple channels, schemes, acquiring banks, multiple shopping cart platforms, security infrastructure and systems, risk management and merchant services, we have you covered in all aspects in the context of building, operating and growing your e-commerce business.
  • Dual layers of fraud management infrastructure, dedicated fraud and account management.
  • 130+ alternative payments options designed to intelligent recommend you options that support your overall business goals.
  • No hidden charges whatsoever, we are completely transparent in our pricing.

For further insights on how we can truly add value to your business, visit our site. Moreover, you have an option of signing up for a demo to experience the true power of our technology.