Why Should UAE Restaurants Consider Using QR Invoices for Payments?

UAE Restaurants to Use QR Invoices for Payments

The UAE dining industry is expected to be worth USD 19.66 billion by 2029 after growing at an 18.56% rate from now onwards. With the country being a magnet for people from different parts of the world, the restaurant landscape here is a highly dynamic and competitive one, thanks to the popularity of different cuisines. So, as a food business owner, you need to do more than dish out great recipes to thrive. You need to improve the overall experience for customers as well. And opting for QR invoices for payments is a crucial part of the same. After all, no guest wants to struggle during the last leg of their time in a restaurant, especially after relishing a tasty meal in a beautiful environment.

So, let’s find out what a QR invoice is all about and the different ways in which it can benefit UAE restaurants.

Decoding the QR Code Technology

While QR codes have been in use since 1994, they assumed a whole new level of importance since the COVID outbreak. This is because the world started to appreciate the importance of contactless payments like never before. So, what is this code really?

It enables you to encode a specific kind of data or information in the form of small printed squares. As a restaurant owner, you will usually store information on a link that allows the guest to open an app or webpage to complete the payment. QR codes are also known as 2D codes, are free from copyright, and can be used easily.

How does the QR code technology work?

  • A customer can use their smartphone to scan an invoice QR code in your restaurant. Since it is not a barcode, there is no need for a special device to read the information embedded.
  • Post scanning, the customer will be redirected to a portal for payment automatically. It can be an app or webpage that displays the total bill amount. Other details like the date, your business’s name, VAT, etc. can be displayed as well.
  • The guest can then make the payment with a few clicks or feed their card information if they wish to.

Now, let’s dive into the benefits of using QR invoices for payments as a restaurant owner in the UAE.

Reasons to Invest in QR Invoices

These are the top advantages of introducing QR invoices in your restaurant:

  1. Cost-effective: An online payment gateway provider like PayTabs that supports the use of QR codes allows you to save substantially. This is because you don’t need a dedicated terminal for payment with these codes. Your guest’s smartphone can do the trick well enough.
  2. Fast and easy checkout: There was a time when guests had to wait quite a while for servers to bring them the bill. With invoice QR codes, there is no need to do so anymore. Your customers can scan the code and make the payment in a jiffy, save time, and leave right after they are done with the meal. Your tables will become available for the next guests easily.
  3. Increased staff productivity: Since your waiters can do away with the task of handing over bills to guests and waiting for them to make the payment, they can focus better on serving the food, catering to gourmet requests, and handling questions related to different dishes. Additionally, they won’t have to worry about returning the exact change, which is common in case of cash payments.
  4. Improved cleanliness: The use of QR invoices can eliminate the need for handling cash, paper bills, or receipts. This means lower chances of germs getting transferred from one person to another.
  5. Greater guest satisfaction: Guests won’t need to carry cash if you offer QR invoicing at your restaurant. They don’t need to interact with servers either before settling the bill. Plus, the entire process takes a few seconds and there is no need for guests to sit around and waste time especially if they have to quickly head home, get back to the office, or visit a different venue. This boosts their experience at large and satisfaction.
  6. More revenue: When customers are satisfied with the payment process (besides the food), they are more likely to keep coming back to your restaurant again and again. They might also end up ordering more than usual or bring in more friends. Happy guests might share glowing reviews on relevant platforms and social media pages as well, which will improve your footfall in turn. In any case, your total revenue will shoot up.

Embrace QR Invoices for Payments to Grow Your Restaurant Business

All in all, to survive and grow in the fast-evolving UAE dining industry, you need to capitalize on QR invoices. A payment gateways provider like PayTabs can make this task easy besides helping you to track the cash inflow and financial health of your business. With QR invoicing, you can enhance your operational efficiency, reduce costs, and strengthen the bottom line effectively. In a world that is increasingly being led by technological innovations, leveraging QR codes can help position your restaurant as eco-friendly and attract future-forward customers too, among all the other benefits explored in this write-up.