Simplicity at its finest!
Our merchants in the UAE and KSA now seamlessly accept Apple Pay, offering a lightning-fast payment experience surpassing conventional methods.
As a merchant, why should you use Apple Pay?
Apple Pay offers many distinct advantages and features
over other payment systems:
When customers make purchases on the web you can use Apple Pay without having to create an account or fill out lengthy forms.
Privacy & Security
The robust security measures undertaken by Apple ensures that the financial data entered by the users is stored securely, guarding against compromise.
Easy & quick integration
Minimal and Simple Merchant.
Payment options & Merchant Pre-requisites
Apple Pay is supported via PT 2.0 Merchant Dashboard and mobile apps:
- For Apple Pay participating banks in applicable countries
- For PT 2.0 integration: You’re all set as nothing extra will be required
- For iOS app integration: Enroll in the Apple Pay program and make sure to use the processing certificate via PT 2.0 Merchant Dashboard or Developer panel
Ready to get started? Please get in touch and a member of our team will be in touch to support your request, subject to eligibility.
Existing Merchants
Let’s Get Activated!